------------------------------------------------------------ EasyPlex Date: 13-Jan-88 20:18 PST From: Tom Sponheim [73557,3105] Subj: Hello John, I read your note about wanting computer work to save your house. I don't know if I can help but perhaps I can steer you in some direction that would help. What do you know how to do on your computer, what are your other skills, etc. Tom ------------------------------------------------------------ 1: Thank you for the response. I have an Apple// here with 2: Appleworks. I am proficient with all three of its major 3: functions. i.e. Word processing, Data base management, 4: and my favorite Spreadsheet Analysis. I am also 5: fairly creative when it comes to writing. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for using CompuServe! Off at 07:20 PST 15-Jan-88 Connect time = 0:11 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ EasyPlex Date: 15-Jan-88 12:49 PST From: Tom Sponheim [73557,3105] Subj: Hello John, First of all, I think someone mentioned "Master.dir" which contains all of the filenames and descriptions for files on WORK. It is 62k and expensive to download. I'd be happy to send you a copy on an MS-DOS disk if you can get access to an IBM to look at it or print it. It seems to me that usually people use computers to do something else. I'm wondering what that something else is that you could do with your computer. You could write some articles for Apple magazines reviewing programs or the like. I guess you should think about the other things you know about and see if having your equipment would give you any advantage. Having telecommunications ability seems to add a whole dimension to a lot of things. I've often thought of selling myself as someone who can find out anything since I seem to be able to get info on any subject using the forums and other online services. My aunt runs a typing service out of her house and she does it on her computer. You'd need a letter quality printer for that. I think you should download "ideas.biz" from WORK and look through that for ideas --there are hundreds of ideas for things that can be done from home. If you let me know your other areas of knowledge, I'll give you my "brainstorm" if it is of any help. Good luck Tom ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tom, Please find my member profile in Data library 16 it is entitled: JPE.TXT and is an Appleworks text file. I also left a note on IEN telling of my MACHINIST skills. Thank you for taking the time to try and help! I feel that there is no limitations to this telecomm. stuff. I am also able to do some rudimentary BASIC programing. let me reread you're note again. more later. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, We do typing services and other secretarial services. we have a letter quality printer here. Access to Dot matrix print out of our files. (friends Printer & Apple). We are located in Paso Robles, CA. Near San luis Obispo. Where are you? I too have thought of selling myself as someone who can find things out! I can also help people find PEACE of MIND often times. We are kind of out in the boonies here and slightly ahead of our times. ( for this area) More later My friend. JPE ----------------------------------------------------------------- EasyPlex Address Book 1 JOHN EDWARDS 71251,2457 2 Tom Sponheim 73557,3105